js shell


This is the official documentation for Awesome_E's Public HS Tools API.

API Endpoint

The HS Tools API Endpoint is https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/. It will be the URL at the start of every request.

Source Code

This project is open-source. You can find the source code on GitHub, where you can file an issue, create PRs, and see the code behind the API.

Getting Hopscotch Data

With this API, you can get hand-created data that the HS Tools website uses. Currently, this includes information about different blocks and objects.

All Hopscotch Blocks

Returns the entire list of blocks being used by HS Tools

To get the list of Hopscotch blocks, you can use this code:

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/hopscotch-data/blocks"

HTTP Request

GET /hopscotch-data/blocks

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters

This endpoint will return an array of dictionaries that contain info about Hopscotch blocks

200 OK

  { ... },
  { ... },

Reponse Data

An array of dictionaries that contain data about Hopscotch blocks

Info About a Specific Block

Returns information about the block with the specified ID

To get the block with ID -1, you can run the following:

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/hopscotch-data/blocks/-1"

HTTP Request

GET /hopscotch-data/blocks/:id

Request Parameters

idYesThe numeric ID of the Hopscotch block you want information about

The response will contain JSON with this structure:

200 OK

  "about": "Community Description",
  "authors": ["Awesome_E"],
  "availability": "all",
  "blockHTML": "fish <i class=\"ps fa fa-volume-up\"></i> ",
  "collapsible": false,
  "community_links": ["..."],
  "description": "N/A – There is no app description",
  "id": -1,
  "key": "-1",
  "name": "fish",
  "other_info": ["..."],
  "parameters": ["..."],
  "type": "old",
  "useful_for": ["Fishing"]

If the block does not exist, it will return this error:

404 Not Found

  "status": "error",
  "error": "No block was found with ID -1"

Response Data

aboutstringThe community-written description of the Hopscotch block
authorsarrayPeople who contributed to writing information about this block
availabilitystringThe availability of the block*
blockHTMLstringAn HTML render of the block
collapsiblebooleanWhether the block can contain other blocks of code inside it
community_linksarrayA list of links, in HTML, of relevant tutorials or projects
descriptionstringThe Hopscotch iOS App description provided for this block
idnumberThe numeric ID of the block
keystringSame as above, but as a string
namestringThe name of the block
other_infoarrayAdditional information about this block
parametersarrayA list of parameters for this block
typestringThe block type as shown in the Hopscotch iOS App
useful_forarrayUse cases for the block

*Block Availability

allAvailable for Everyone
jsonAccessible with JSON Editing only
betaAdvanced mode only
jsonbetaFormerly JSON only, now in advance mode
oldNon-editor, not in use
goneRemoved from newer players

Specific Trait of a Block

All Hopscotch Objects

Returns the entire list of object types tracked in HS Tools.

To get the list of Hopscotch objects, you can use this code:

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/hopscotch-data/objects"

HTTP Request

GET /hopscotch-data/objects

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters

This endpoint will return an array of dictionaries that have information about Hopscotch objects

200 OK

  { ... },
  { ... },

Reponse Data

An array of dictionaries that contain data about Hopscotch objects

Info About a Specific Object

Returns information about the object with the specified ID

To get the object with ID 1, you can run the following:

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/hopscotch-data/objects/1"

HTTP Request

GET /hopscotch-data/objects/:id

Request Parameters

idYesThe numeric ID of the Hopscotch object you want information about

The response will contain JSON with this structure:

200 OK

  "codename": "text",
  "description": "An alphabet soup of letters, numbers, symbols, and emoji.",
  "id": 1,
  "key": "1",
  "name": "Text"

If the object does not exist, it will return this error:

404 Not Found

  "status": "error",
  "error": "No object was found with ID 1"

Response Data

codenamestringThe name of the object stored in the project JSON file
descriptionstringThe Hopscotch iOS App description provided for this object
idnumberThe numeric ID of the object
keystringSame as above, but as a string
namestringThe name of the object, as seen in the Hopscotch Editor

Specific Trait of an Object

Retrieving Webplayer Files

Webplayer Metadata

This retrieves the file path, modification date, and version of the latest minor releases under each major webplayer version.

To retrieve information about the latest webplayer release for every major version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, etc.):

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/metadata"

HTTP Request

GET /webplayer/metadata/:version

To retrieve information about the latest webplayer release for only 1.5.x webplayers:

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/metadata/1.5"

Request Parameters

VersionNoResults will only show metadata of the latest minor webplayer release under this major version (i.e. 1.5 or 2.0) – see example requests

A sample response for getting the latest webplayer metadata for all major releases

200 OK

  "1.0": {
    "path": "versions/1.0.14/webplayer.min.js",
    "date": 1593469128976,
    "pixi": "4.8.6",
    "player": "1.0.14"
  "1.1": { ... },
  "1.2": { ... },
  "1.3": { ... },
  "1.4": { ... },
  "1.5": {
    "path": "versions/1.5.20/webplayer.min.js",
    "date": 1637679789463,
    "pixi": "4.8.6",
    "player": "1.5.20"

Example response for getting the latest webplayer metadata for only 1.5.x

200 OK

  "path": "versions/1.5.20/webplayer.min.js",
  "date": 1637679789463,
  "pixi": "4.8.6",
  "player": "1.5.20"

Example Response for a non-existent webplayer version

404 Not Found


Response Data

The metadata of each webplayer follows this structure:

pathstringThe file path to this webplayerversions/1.5.21/webplayer.min.js
datenumberThe unix timestamp of when this webplayer file was last modified1645448507469
pixistringThe latest version of PIXI that accompanies this webplayer4.8.6
playerstringThe exact version number of this minor webplayer release1.5.21

Getting Webplayer Files

Using this API endpoint, you can also get the any Hopscotch webplayer file.

Get the latest 1.5.x webplayer

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.0"

HTTP Request

GET /webplayer/:version

This will also get the latest 1.5.x player, even though a minor version is specified

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.7"

Request Parameters

versionYesThe version of the webplayer file you want

Get webplayer with exact version 1.5.12

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.12?newest=0"

Request Query

newestNo10 or 1, whether you want to get the newest release for the major version provided

For example, if you GET /webplayer/1.5.11 but the latest is 1.5.20, the response will be the 1.5.20 webplayer instead of the version you provided (webplayer 1.5.11). Set the newest flag to 0 if you do not want this behavior.

Sample Response for existing version (truncated for obvious reasons):

200 OK

 * Hopscotch Technologies
 * Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)
console.log("Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)");
!function(e){var t={}; ...

Sample Response for non-existent version:

404 Not Found


Response Data

The response contains the JavaScript code for the webplayer, exactly as retrieved from Hopscotch's servers.

Project Data Types

This endpoint will retrieve the webplayer file, and from it, determine all of the block, object, and parameter types.

Get data types for the latest 1.5.x webplayer

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.0/project-datatypes"
200 OK

  "blocks": {
    "19": "WaitTilTimestamp",
    "20": "WaitUntilInputIsDone",
  "objects": {
    "0": "monkey",
    "1": "text",
  "parameters": {
    "42": "Default",
    "43": "LineWidth",
  "length": 3

HTTP Request

GET /webplayer/:version/project-datatypes

This will return JavaScript that sets a variable to the data types in the latest 1.5.x player (even though a specific version is present):

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.7/project-datatypes?var=datatypes"
200 OK

datatypes = {
  "blocks": {
    "19": "WaitTilTimestamp",
    "20": "WaitUntilInputIsDone",
  "length": 3

Request Parameters

versionYesThe version of the webplayer file you want

Call a function called foo with the data types as input, based on webplayer 1.5.12 instead of the newest version:

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.12/project-datatypes?newest=0&callback=foo"

Request Query

newestNo10 or 1, whether you want to get the newest release for the major version provided

For example, if you GET /webplayer/1.5.11/project-datatypes but the latest is 1.5.20, the response will be the 1.5.20 data types instead of the version you provided (webplayer 1.5.11). Set the newest flag to 0 if you do not want this behavior.

Sample Response for non-existent version:

404 Not Found


Response Data

The response contains the JavaScript code for the webplayer, exactly as retrieved from Hopscotch's servers.

For example, in 19: "waitTilTimestamp", 19 is the ID of the block, and "waitTilTimestamp" is the name. The same applies to objects and parameters.

Modding on the Fly

You can have the power of the modded webplayer anywhere! With this API endpoint, you can choose the mods applied to the latest webplayer and create a completely customized version of it.

HTTP Request

GET /webplayer/:version/project-datatypes

Mod the latest 1.5 webplayer with default settings

  .then(r => r.json())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.0/modded"

Request Parameters

versionYesThe version of the webplayer file you want

Mod webplayer version 1.5.12 with default settings

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.12/modded?newest=0"

Sample Response (truncated for obvious reasons):

200 OK

 * Hopscotch Technologies
 * Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)
console.log("Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)");
!function(e){var t={}; ...

Request Query

newestNo10 or 1, whether you want to get the newest release for the major version provided
includeNo-The identifiers of specific modifications to include, separated with spaces. Use ALL to include everything.
excludeNo-The identifiers of specific modifications to exlcude, separated with spaces. Use ALL to exclude everything.

Note: In a URL, a + is often decoded into a space when put in the URL query. So, decoding include=AE+CS results in include being set to AE CS

Whether or not a certain modification is included is determined in this order:

  1. Is it specifically included? If so, include it. If not, continue.
  2. Is it specifically excluded? If so, skip it. If not, continue.
  3. Is ALL included? If so, include it. If not, continue.
  4. Is ALL excluded? If so, exlcude it. If not, continue.
  5. Use the default setting for this item.

Mod the latest 1.5 player, but only include the data retriever:

  .then(r => r.text())
  .then(d => console.log(d))
curl -G "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.5.2/modded?exclude=ALL&include=DR"
200 OK

 * Hopscotch Technologies
 * Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)
console.log("Webplayer v1.5.20 - 2021/11/23 (production)");
!function(e){var t={}; ...

Modify webplayer 1.2.5, including everything except modded actions, custom sounds, and inclusion of the modded action bundle:

const exclude = ['AE', 'CS', 'IW']
  + '?include=ALL'
  + '&exclude=' + exclude.join('+')
  + '&newest=0'
).then(r => r.text()).then(d => console.log(d))
curl -G "https://hs-tools-api.up.railway.app/webplayer/1.2.5/modded" \
  -d "include=ALL" \
  -d "exclude=AE+CS+IW" \
  -d "newest=0"
200 OK

function sendToApp(a,b,c){void 0===c&&(c="hopscotch");
var d=window.webkit;if(d&&d.messageHandlers){d.messageHandlers[c]
.postMessage((e={},e[a]=b,e));var e}} ...

In the case that the provided webplayer version does not exist:

404 Not Found


Available Modifications

CFContainer FixIncludedLocks the player to the parent div instead of the hopscotch-webplayer element
ESEmoji SourceIncludedFixes any requests that go to the wrong emoji source
DRData RetrieverIncludedRetrieves data from the variable AE_MOD.projectData instead of from the data attribute of the element with ID project_data
SSSound SourceIncludedGets sounds from ae-hopscotch.github.io instead so the request isn't blocked.
AEModded CommandsIncluded"None" and Comment blocks can be used with _ae_webplayer_action to run custom modded actions
IWInclude Web Action BundleSkippedBundle a copy of webplayer_action with the webplayer (experimental)
PLProject Link PatchIncludedProject linking will use the project metadata endpoint and redirect properly
PDPrompt DefaultsIncludedA third parameter in Save Input will be treated as the prompt's default value
SFScreen Size FixIncludedFixes resizing the screen for certain HTML layouts
SCScreenshotsIncludedMakes the canvas screenshot method accessible in the global scope
CSCustom SoundsIncludedAllow loading custom sounds from ae-hopscotch.github.io
ELError LogsIncludedLog an error when a block causes the project to freeze (beta)

Response Data

The webplayer's JavaScript code, modified with either the default settings or your custom configuration.